Funded by the Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation our ‘Schools Link’ project seeks to break down the ‘post-code’ barriers in North Luton through an early intervention sports programme for pupils in their last year of primary education.

The project links six primary schools in Lewsey Farm, Hockwell Ring and Marsh Farm in a programme of after school, inter-school sports days supported by curriculum PE support and hate crime workshops held at each school. Each of the six schools  host a visit from the other five schools over the year to take part in collapsed curriculum sports days which will combine both fun and competitive competitions along with workshops focusing on issues around community cohesion and citizenship.

It is envisaged that through this project a more cohesive atmosphere develops at primary school age which will help prevent post code  barriers from developing in the first place. The  project aims to concentrate  on ‘next generation’ children on the rival estates through deliveringcohesive sports programme of interaction to prevent ‘post-code’ barriers developing at an earlier age.

If you would like to contribute to this project through any local action or community groups we would be delighted to hear from you by either emailing Daniel Douglas at [email protected] or giving Daniel a call at the Community office on 01582 561 622.