Luton Street League operates 10 weekly sports centres across town offering Football (6), Cricket (2) and Basketball (2) with league formats for young people aged 16 to 24 years from across Luton aimed at improving community cohesion. In addition, all centres uniquely offer employment, training and skills workshops to help participants either improve their current employability opportunities or future employment chances. The project concentrates on Luton’s most deprived 11 wards covering the North and South of Town focusing on unemployed and/or disengaged young people and partners with Bedfordshire Cricket, Luton Basketball and Bedfordshire Police.

The Luton Street League project falls within Luton Council’s Community Local Led Development (CLLD) strategy funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). The CLLD project sets out a vision and action plan centred around six strategic objectives that all address in one way or another the many barriers to employment that certain sections of the Town’s population face as well as focusing on the importance of community cohesion.

The Luton Street League project is led by the Luton Town FC Community Trust (LTFCCT) and is a match funded project with the ESF over 5 years which began in April 2018. The commitment from the trust is to equally match £200,000 of available funding over 5 years with a combination of cash and in kind contributions eg staff salaries. To date the project has created 2 full time and 4 apprentice positions at the LTFCCT.

The overall target is to reach 400 individuals through the sports sessions and improve their employability skills as well as provide workshops around social issues such as knife crime and gang activity. To date well over over 400 individuals have participated in the sessions, 250 individuals have attended workshops and over 90 have gained L1 sports qualifications and now volunteer at ‘their’ local centre.

Watch our short video about Luton Street league here

Watch our short video about what our participants think about Luton Street League here